About Us


The Purpose

“It’s not enough to see people come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and be saved. They must be taught and grown into the measure and the stature of Christ that they may fulfill the calling that God has in their lives.”

The quote above defines the purpose of Path to Redemption Ministries. It is to see people saved, but also to help believers grow into Christ and send them onto their own ministries with a solid foundation with Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone.


Who We Are

If you are looking for traditional teachings, eloquent words and teaching based on feeling, you’ve come to the wrong place.  Path to Redemption Ministries will challenge you to give all that you are to Christ and allow the work of His cross to change you into what He wants.

This work was started by me, Daniel Orona, according the leading of the Spirit and it will be the Holy Spirit that causes it to prosper. I was taught Scripture from the age of 5 by my father and how to be led and move in the Spirit at the same time by my mother. I’ve served in ministry from pastoring, teaching and music for over a decade.  The Lord told me a long time ago that everything I ever preach, I will walk and everything that is taught whether in preaching or in writing is the honest belief of this ministry and how we walk in our everyday lives. Below is a summary of basic beliefs:

What we believe

  • Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, lived on this world, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected on the third day.
  • There is one God in three parts: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • The Bible is the immutable and infallible word of God
  • You are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice
  • Water baptism is a symbol of the death of self and resurrection into Christ
  • There is a baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in an unknown tongue
  • The gifts of the Spirit are awake and working today in those that God chooses to use.
  • Christ has redeemed us from the law and we are now governed by His grace and our relationship