Path to Redemption

The Articles


The Articles of Path to Redemption Ministries are meant to act as a reference for anyone who wants to use them. Scripture forms the foundation for the teaching laid out in the three different sections: Building Blocks, Social Dilemma and Current Events.

Building Blocks is to help new Christians find their footing as they build their foundation with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.  We start at the very beginning, after accepting Christ as your personal Savior and build from there.

Social Dilemma discusses difficult topics such as abortion, homosexuality, nationalism and more. How should Christians respond and what has Christ called us to do in an ever changing post-Christian world.

Current Events discusses what is happening in the world today. The chess board of the world is ever changing as it prepares for the Anti-Christ and ultimate return of Christ. We will look at key things as they happen and discuss how it fits into the last part of this age.



Building Blocks

Build your foundation with Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone of your life. Find out what is next from the moment you accept Him as Lord and Savior and what the next steps are in your journey on your Path to Redemption.

Start Building

Social Dilemma

Navigating this world can be difficult, particularly when there are so many people raising a banner in the name of Christ and becoming ultra-political. Understanding how Christians are to interact with the LGBTQ community, women who have had abortions and others is key to seeing others saved.

Learn to Navigate

Current Events

The chess pieces are moving. The world is certainly preparing for the Anti-Christ and the ultimate return of Jesus Christ. When war happens in the Middle East what does it mean? Understanding what’s happening in the world is key to watching for the return of Christ.

Understand What is Happening